PHP String Cut, bạn có thể cắt, tách hoặc phân tích chuỗi hoặc load 1 page html rồi lọc lấy những thành phần cần thiết.
Class này mình tìm thấy trên PhpClasses của tác giả Schroetter Christian. Class có các chức năng sau:
- Trích xuất 1 chuỗi nằm giữa 2 thành phần, ví dụ như tìm chuỗi nằm trong thẻ
- Trích xuất 1 chuỗi giữa 1 chuỗi bắt đầu và nhiều chuỗi kết thúc. .
- Xóa 1 chuỗi giữa 2 tag.
- …
Download code class tại đây
// function's list...
// QuickDecoupe / QD
// QuickDecoupeME
// RemoveString
// QuickDecoupeSingle / QDS
// QDSTag
// QuickDecoupeSingleME
// QuickDecoupeFromBegin / QDBegin
// QuickDecoupeToEnd / QDEnd
$content = file_get_contents('./sample_content.txt');
echo "\t" . 'Return ALL the string between \'<div>\' AND \'</div>\'' . "\n";
$offset = 0;
$sample_string_1 = CStringCut::QuickDecoupe($content, '<div>', '</div>', $offset); // same as CStringCut::QD(...)
while($sample_string_1 !== false)
$sample_string_1 = CStringCut::QuickDecoupe($content, '<div>', '</div>', $offset); // same as CStringCut::QD(...)
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the the string between \'<div>\' AND the third occurence of \'</div>\'\'$offset\'' . "\n";
$offset = strpos($content, 'This is my title');
$sample_string_2 = CStringCut::QuickDecoupeME($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>', $offset, 3);
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Remove all the string + the delimiter between \'<div>\' and \'</div>\'' . "\n";
$store = $content;
while(strpos($store, '<div>') !== false && strpos($store, '</div>') !== false)
$store = CStringCut::RemoveString($store, '<div>', '</div>', true);
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the string between \'<title>\' and \'</title>\'' . "\n";
$title = CStringCut::QuickDecoupeSingle($content, '<title>', '</title>'); // same as CStringCut::QDS(...)
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the string between \'<div class="class_1">\' and \'</div>\'' . "\n";
$sample_string_3 = CStringCut::QDS($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>');
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the TAGS between \'<div class="class_1"\' and \'</div>\'' . "\n";
$offset = 0;
$sample_string_3 = CStringCut::QDSTag($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>', $offset);
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the TAGS between \'<div class="class_1"\' and \'</div>\' AND remove the remains of the initial tag' . "\n";
$offset = 0;
$sample_string_4 = CStringCut::QDSTag($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>', $offset, true);
// can be iterat as QuickDecoupe(...)
$offset = 0;
$sample_string_4 = CStringCut::QDSTag($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>', $offset, true);
while($sample_string_4 !== false)
$sample_string_4 = CStringCut::QDSTag($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>', $offset, true);
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the STRING between \'[\' and \']\'' . "\n";
$offset = 0;
$sample_string_5 = CStringCut::QDSTag($content, '[', ']', $offset, false, true);
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the the string between \'<div>\' AND the third occurence of \'</div>\'' . "\n";
$sample_string_6 = CStringCut::QuickDecoupeSingleME($content, '<div class="class_1">', '</div>', 3);
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the the string between offset 0 AND \'<div class="class_1">\'' . "\n";
$sample_string_7 = CStringCut::QuickDecoupeFromBegin($content, 0, '<div class="class_1">'); // same as CStringCut::QDBegin(...)
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";
echo "\t" . 'Return the the string between \'<div class="class_1">\' (starting at offset $offset) AND the end of the string' . "\n";
$offset = 0;
$sample_string_8 = CStringCut::QuickDecoupeToEnd($content, '<script>', $offset); // same as CStringCut::QDEnd(...)
echo '----------------------------------------------------------' . "\n";